Presenting - ArtSEEN journal Spring '07
issue 5 Year 2
Well, the pre-printing time is always a very busy period – which accounts for the silence on the blog. It’s the weeks that see us translating articles; chasing galleries for images; passing the translations to our precious Editorial Consultants who work on them further; doing the lay-out.
Thus, ArtSEEN Spring ’07 – issue 5, which is our first official birthday issue as well, is now at the printers!
It was put together in Vienna. Ya. Vienna. Because travelling is more and more a big part of my life, and every few weeks see me somewhere else.
That said, I’m going back to Cagliari, Sardegna this week, having been invited by Mauro Cossu to present our collaborative sound-art performance at the Architecture Faculty of the University of Cagliari, during their international workshop SEW07 (
http://www.sew07.it/ facoltà di architettura dell'Università di Cagliari, politecnico di Milano e OMA di Rotterdam).
And that is just one of the trips waiting for me in the next few weeks!
We’ve already started working on ArtSEEN 6 – Summer ’07, and planning all the various trips to Venice, and Germany. Actually, now that I’ve written this, I have just remembered a few emails that need writing, with are a few days overdue, due to the lay-out of the Spring SEEN…
And, we’ll have our new website up and running very very soon!!!!
A presto then!