saline solution, hot plate, heat resistant tape, generous helping hands_
october 5, 2007_zürich
Thank you.
Thank you for your emails. It is heart warming to receive them!
I’m sorry this “change of path” for ArtSEEN journal came as a shock to some of you.
ArtSEEN journal, if you wish to see it this way, is but a name, given to a project: a project that is based on the creative process.
If the name disappears, the process does not!
And this is the most beautiful, most sublime aspect of the creative process!
I wish to present here a few phrases I wrote for the presentation of ArtSEEN journal, in 2005.
The phrase that talks about the space it was meant to be, and has therefore achieved (call us stubborn!): offered to artists, to the creative process.
The aim of ArtSEEN journal is to offer a space for communication, to promote art and artists who share the freedom of thought that the creative process promotes.
The paragraph that reflects on our inheritance, as artists. In choosing to be an artist, we have to reflect on this inheritance, the creative tradition, not only found in Florence, but that which every individual, town, city, thought, word, blade of grass - left to us. How do we continue working with it? Without abusing of it, and yet, contributing to it?
ArtSEEN journal is based in Florence, a city world known for it's contribution to Western art history. As the Renaissance shaped Florence 500 years ago, so have the numerous travellers, migrants, artists, creative minds and free thinkers who have been attracted to this city, and who have, because of it's history, shaped it's present, in all eras. Florence is the city where we chose to study and live and work, because of it’s potent creative energy, because of the legacy left to us by our artist forefathers and mothers.
And the paragraph that promises to look at our present – which we have more than achieved.
ArtSEEN journal aims not simply to echo the buzz of the streets of art world centres but as well create a space for artists, for our ideas, for our beliefs to be exposed/exhibited in. We wish and work towards making ArtSEEN a work of art in itself, as all of us working on it are artists. As artists, we have a freedom that allows us not to follow set structures: to question, to change, to enhance. We aim to treat ArtSEEN as we'd treat a canvas, a paper, a room. Let it be flexible like a drawing, a painting in execution, an installation in the making, a lump of clay in our hands. It is a challenge, it is a lot of work, yet this is what we believe in, and a labour of love.
These phrases have accompanied ArtSEEN journal through the two years. With all the grammatical errors, and all the sincere thoughts, they have been sent to the North, South, East and West, far and wide. And fulfilled. :)
What we have achieved together with ArtSEEN journal, is immense and intense. As long as this energy, this desire, and the right motivation are alive, (which they will always be, even when we die!) there can be no stopping. To be part of this process is both humbling and strengthening.
With ArtSEEN, the Editorial Team has proved that with little funds, but working together, we can make the most “impossible” venture a reality!
With ArtSEEN, together with you, we have proved that the “Art world” is a mere pedestal – yet still has sincere people working within it!
With ArtSEEN, we have shown the many facets of a diamond. We have written what we think, offered our views to both comprehension and criticism.
Creative people all over this globe: artists, scientists, curators, linguists, poets, have contributed, not only to ArtSEEN, but to a process, and I am sure, will continue contributing to this process.
ArtSEEN is and was just one platform for this process. Rest assured then, there are many more!
What ArtSEEN gave me, cannot disappear, and will continue growing.
Even though one platform stops existing, we’re celebrating, and we’re celebrating the continuation of the creative process!
Thank You! Here's to "omega alpha"!!! (email me if you want the full spiel behind this "subversion"!)