Welcome to behind the SEEN, ArtSEEN journals blog!
ArtSEEN journal is now a year old. It is also composed of many people who work together to make it happen: all of us are artists.
ArtSEEN journal aims in presenting artists words, thoughts, ideas about their own art, art they see, events in the world, and life in general. It is a first hand account of an artist’s process, something not many magazines do,
The artist is the pivotal point in the art world, and ArtSEEN is one way of bringing the focus back to this creative person!
We, the Editor Team, thought to open a blog, where we can share our process in making ArtSEEN happen, the “behind the SEEN” bit.. composed of many different moments, sometimes difficult, and many funny, and many joyous.
May I first introduce the Founders –Editor Team?
Goran Bezanov, MSc. PhD. Professor at the Southbank University of London.
My brother as well. He was born in Belgrade, when Jugoslavia was still Jugoslavia, without ex in front of it, and when the idea of Serbia and Montenegro would have been considered anti-patriotic. Our parents moved to Zambia, in Africa, many years ago, and Goran, of course, moved with them, then on to the UK, where he lives. What can be said about Goran is that he’s full of innovative ideas, ArtSEEN being one of them. Goran, thus, became the Publisher. In his free time he fixes his 928 Porsche.
Sandra Miranda P. (Miranda is the surname), and the P. stands for Pattin, Sandra's mothers surname. Sandra is from Colombia, and works in Florence, where she organizes the Florence Biennial. She's the one who's in charge of the managing part of ArtSEEN, thus, the Managing Editor. This involves a lot of contact with a lot of people, from bookshops to gallerists, artists, etc...and also the arduous task of finding finances we need to print our publication..
ArtSEEN journal is now a year old. It is also composed of many people who work together to make it happen: all of us are artists.
ArtSEEN journal aims in presenting artists words, thoughts, ideas about their own art, art they see, events in the world, and life in general. It is a first hand account of an artist’s process, something not many magazines do,
The artist is the pivotal point in the art world, and ArtSEEN is one way of bringing the focus back to this creative person!
We, the Editor Team, thought to open a blog, where we can share our process in making ArtSEEN happen, the “behind the SEEN” bit.. composed of many different moments, sometimes difficult, and many funny, and many joyous.
May I first introduce the Founders –Editor Team?
Goran Bezanov, MSc. PhD. Professor at the Southbank University of London.
My brother as well. He was born in Belgrade, when Jugoslavia was still Jugoslavia, without ex in front of it, and when the idea of Serbia and Montenegro would have been considered anti-patriotic. Our parents moved to Zambia, in Africa, many years ago, and Goran, of course, moved with them, then on to the UK, where he lives. What can be said about Goran is that he’s full of innovative ideas, ArtSEEN being one of them. Goran, thus, became the Publisher. In his free time he fixes his 928 Porsche.
Sandra Miranda P. (Miranda is the surname), and the P. stands for Pattin, Sandra's mothers surname. Sandra is from Colombia, and works in Florence, where she organizes the Florence Biennial. She's the one who's in charge of the managing part of ArtSEEN, thus, the Managing Editor. This involves a lot of contact with a lot of people, from bookshops to gallerists, artists, etc...and also the arduous task of finding finances we need to print our publication..
Andrew J Smaldone MA. Andrew, know as AJ behind the SEEN, is the Senior Editor. He’s originally from Tennessee, USA. AJ’s job is to contact our artists-writers for each new issue. He spends a lot of time emailing with them, and together with me, we collaborate closely with them to enhance the articles, and to bring out the best in each one of our collaborators. We won’t say what the J stands for, you’re welcome to guess.
Then there’s me, Gordana Bezanov MA. Behind the SEEN, I am G. I was born in Zambia, then moved to the UK following my older siblings traces, but “broke away” and moved to Italy back in 1993. My task is to see that this intricate human collaboration runs, and comes to fruition. I spend a lot of my time contacting people as well, assisting Sandra and AJ, contacting artists and galleries we may wish to work with in our future issues. It’s also my task to propose the Theme for the next ArtSEEN. I also stand for the graphic designer, not because I am one, but because I had no choice but to learn fast – so I am the one who does the lay-out of both the SEEN (the journal) and the PLUS (the supplement.) I have the enviable position of Editor.
Together, we’re the Editor Team.
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