Hello from Barcelona
BCN gave me the best welcome, 20 degrees, the jacket was useless!!!!lot's of hugs and kisses, both cousins look great, we went out forTapas and ¨cañas¨ a lot to say and update, news from them, from me etc...
ok, too much wine and a long night, i ended up singing with Juana ¨vallenatos¨until 5 a.m!!!!
The usual boring me, woke up at 9 am I'm too much a morning person, can't do anything about it, obviosuly i woke up and then my slow big huge amazingly heavy head woke up 2 minutes later and followed me to the kitchen, water please!!!!!!
Sunny outside.... it took me 6 hours to finally get the metro to the MACBA, got there, they already have my name and press folder is waiting for me, yes my cousin is the Spain representative (she got infree) .... go up, go up, Janett Cardiff and Georges B. Miller, hmmmm i think i might know them (slow head thinking, definetely art history knowledge dissapeared from my mind that day)
I'll wait, you go first in… ok, ok… walked into a room full of shipping boxes, slow head is behind me, open a door (kleeench!!!! – so that's the noise of the door) get into an abbandonded laboratory of anything, art, experimentation, really dark, while you walked in you don'treally know if the people in there is real, for a second I thought that there was a performance happening in there and I didn't really know if to keep walking through it… sound is activated as you walk and Janett Cardiff is the greatest genius on ¨how to make you loose perception of the space¨, sat on the desire machine, draw an image and put it into two cooperplates, yes it is supposed to make your wish happen, I did it you never know….
Finally out of the dark room and my art history re-appeared suddenly: oh yes I know I saw their work at Venice Biennale 2005, God I'm glad now I know where I am and what is it that I'm actually visiting.Theathers in small and big size, those voices that make you feel like
with them, yes, I have actually met Cardiff and Miller… I remember their voices and their tonalities and their signature is that, I could be in a room with 400 people walking and listening to every voice and I could recognize them, is such a powerful perception and differentwhen is not linked to a visual image but to a sound… it activates adifferent part of your brain, your memory works different that way….
with them, yes, I have actually met Cardiff and Miller… I remember their voices and their tonalities and their signature is that, I could be in a room with 400 people walking and listening to every voice and I could recognize them, is such a powerful perception and differentwhen is not linked to a visual image but to a sound… it activates adifferent part of your brain, your memory works different that way….
Great slow head got speed up a bit, just a bit, body reacted in apositive sense to the exhibition, it felt I was a bit more human…. Capella MACBA is a real church, and there was a concert inside you walked into the center and all the sounds, every note of the music would enter into the thousands of ears you think you have when you get into there, me and my thousands of ears could breath music as it was really getting into my blood to be part of me forever…
I need a coca cola, some sugar and hidration for not too pretty body today….
Guys I felt so ugly that day – anyway… I thought that feeding your mind helps a lot your self estime. I also saw other two shows, beautifully curated, actually one of the best ¨curators work¨ I''ve ever seen, even took pictures of it, good ideas for future succesfull shows…
Today we are in preparation for a little party to celebrate both my birthday and my cousin's birthday so most probably the slow head will be back tomorrow!!!!!!
kisses to both