Hello Dears
Rome was very interesting... i got there at 11 am went to Colosseo, walked to go to my first gallery in the list, AJ i missed you not only for the day also because you know me and directions, I'm terribly disorientated but i got there anyways, asked a few romans, (don't you think they are simply more gentle than florentines?) the gallery is closed on saturdays, shit, i thought is stupid to close a gallery on saturdays but any way i keep walking and see this tiny beautiful white space with three big photographs on the three walls, after looking at it for a second I realized it's a gallery!!!!
I went in, talked to the girl, Emmanuela, very nice, gentle person, smily girl, she was very impressed with the magazine so we had a long talk about it, the gallery has only 2 years and it seems to be doing well, is interesting because it's literally a very tiny little space but well curated.. It's called next door... so gave the spiel, got the card, bla, bla bla.... good, lunch time, went to Campo di fiori and sat on a panino place got myself a cold Corona, Rome was hot!!!!! a singer had writen on his guitar http://www.ergringo.it/ check the website the guy is funny, he sings in perfect english and speaks like the most puritan roman in the world....
I went in, talked to the girl, Emmanuela, very nice, gentle person, smily girl, she was very impressed with the magazine so we had a long talk about it, the gallery has only 2 years and it seems to be doing well, is interesting because it's literally a very tiny little space but well curated.. It's called next door... so gave the spiel, got the card, bla, bla bla.... good, lunch time, went to Campo di fiori and sat on a panino place got myself a cold Corona, Rome was hot!!!!! a singer had writen on his guitar http://www.ergringo.it/ check the website the guy is funny, he sings in perfect english and speaks like the most puritan roman in the world....
I got my guida of galleries in Rome (i'll show it to you) made my plan, decide to go to Il Ponte, there is a show curated by Achille Bonito Oliva.... got in, the show is nice, the artist is interesting but I didn't really loved him, the guys in the gallery are two bitches, they hardly said good morning or hi, i decided to give the mag anyways and he didin't even said oh thanks, nice, anything , just ok.... i was about to tell him: ma tutta questa gentilezza da dove deriva??????????... but ok i calmed myself and left.....
I decided to breath and liberate myself from the bitches energy... kept walking and went to Giacomo Guidi, AJ gave me the invite, so get into the little street, there is a nice guy and I asked him, is this via del cancello? yes it is, I'm coming into the gallery, so i said oh I' coming here too, but i think is still closed, so we chatted a lot, very interesting guy, well educated, works in comunications and marketing, very intelligent, we talked bla bla bla, then someone else comes into the gallery, oh yes it was open, so this guy, Alessandro is friends with the gallerist (good) we walked in, the gallerist : Ciao Alessandro, ma che bello vederti, ciao piacere" he thinks we are together but then we explained him we met outside, the show is really nice, really nice, (solo show of Vittoria Mesina) the gallery is beautiful, i saw the whole thing and then talked to the gallerist, so basically he is in the same tone as Ugolini, he likes someone that follows his shows, wants a mezzo di diffusione, he made clear that advertising is not the way, he plays safe, he only exhibits big artists, he made a long speach on the art market and how everyone was wrong opening galleries in Beijing so he is a bit arrogant: Sai Continua ha aperto una galleria là, conosci Continua? ... (oh bello, che te credi, siamo intimi ) ok I didn't say that but thought of it... in any case, i told him he is playing safe, that it is a choice but it could also be the impossibility of seeing beyond in a young talent, he was impressed and accepted, he doesn't believe in young artists, fuck him,...... any way he said the magazine is beautiful he says he felt identifyied with it, so i made my batuta, is all run by young artists, funny hey!!!!!
I wanted to stay more on the conversation because i was interested on meeting further the other guy, and the other guy was interested in meeting me further but Giacomo (the gallerist) men he can talk......... ha attacato un bottone..... mamma mia... so i had to leave, left the mag and the card and bla bla bla...
I wanted to stay more on the conversation because i was interested on meeting further the other guy, and the other guy was interested in meeting me further but Giacomo (the gallerist) men he can talk......... ha attacato un bottone..... mamma mia... so i had to leave, left the mag and the card and bla bla bla...
so that was was definetely interesting...
Went to Magazzini d'Arte moderna e contemporanea, G you would like this work I got the little catalogue for you, is an artwork that will be eventually distroyed one day, a bit like the bittersweet, the girl again is fantastic, her name is Cecilia, she showed me the whole thing, loved the mag, talked to me about the place, really nice, very welcomed.
The artist had also a video there that i enojoyed very much too.
Went to Galleria Traghetto, they have expressed interest in the plus, very nice show, Nanni Moretti was there, the woman was very gentle, gave me the catalogue, etc... she was too busy to talk further about the plus, it was the opening.... but i think is a good contact.
These are the highlights of Rome, i took the train back at 6:30 i was about to die, i walked so much, my feet are still hurting... but it was nice.
Ok kids these are the news for now, AJ hope the trip to Perugia was good too, talk to you soon,
love to both,
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