Saturday, June 23, 2007

In Medias Res

The narrative for this e-mail will inevitably begin in the middle of things or 'in mezzo delle cose' because that is exactly where we are at. Of course there is always a beginning as well. We started our travels a few weeks ago in Venice and then ended up in Muenster via Kassel. There was so much to see and in some of the other blogs you can catch a glimpse of what we will be discussing in the upcoming summer edition of ArtSEEN Journal. But in any case the process continues, articles are written, art is SEEN, conversations occur, and time continues.

June has, thus, been a period of intense happenings and reflections. For me I suppose the artist life is bound to be somewhere in the middle. Today I was reading a text piece by Piero Manzoni. In it you can see the influence Lucio Fontana had on his early work, and I suppose I was slightly taken aback by Manzoni's vehemence but then again in the end he went on to describe just being. So there was passion and calm and just letting things go all in the same essay.

I prefer artists' words above all others

The artist gives us true insight into the way we perceive the world. Sometimes I like to mix and match my readings... As in I'll read artists' writings from different historic periods. Most discuss space and time and if they are not it is because during that period such themes were not at the forefront of the artistic debate and this was usually because ideas became too fixed and inflexible.

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