Ciccio&Jacinto first met in 1989, at the Venice Biennale of Cinema, both of them attracted by the special exhibition of Jean Cocteau’s work, in the Italian pavilion of the Giardini. Jacinto had just divorced, and was travelling in Italy from Argentina, as that was his dream: to visit Italy and its amazing beauty and art (his father was of Italian origin.) Ciccio on the other hand, was advised by a friend of his to go, so having decided to travel to Malta, he made a last minute change of plans, and opted for Venice instead. Ciccio remembers Jacinto was sitting a few rows in front of him at a film presentation (Et la lumière fut by Otar Iosseliani), at the end of it they both smiled to each other. Coincidentally Ciccio&Jacinto ran into each other later that day at a party. While Ciccio was intensely thinking of the wine served there, Jacinto was asking to the waiter what wine it was, so Ciccio answered him "Duca Enrico Nero d'Avola, 1984- their first vintage.." (this obviously became one of those wines that they always have at home). That was how the conversation started and by the end of the night Ciccio&Jacinto were having an early breakfast at a little place near the old Ghetto. They exchanged phone numbers and left Venice, Ciccio went back to Sicily and Jacinto decided to go to Paris. After a month that Jacinto was in Paris, Ciccio called him to tell him he'd like to visit him…
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