Monday, December 4, 2006

Advent Ball, December 4th

Bugatti T59

From first night in Paris where they had dinner at "Le Pavillon de la Grande Cascade," they both knew it was the first day of a life together, they didn't say anything to each other but they allowed it to be and happen.... that first night in Jacinto's rented apartmenent, before falling sleep, Ciccio said: We can buy a villa in Sicily or try to get a Châteaux in the south of France.... Jacinto answered, Sicily definitely Sicily.
After a few more romantic days, they left Paris with the promise of going back ever year to celebrate their first day of their life together.

It was while celebrating their ninth anniversary, staying at the Rue de Passy in Paris in 1998, that they visited the Passy Cemetery. Big fans of the silent movie star, Pearl White, they were carrying a bunch of pearl white lilies to place on her tomb. At the same time, Ciccio adored Jean-Pierre Wimille whom he admired as a Grand Prix driver, and also for his contribution to the French Resistance during WWII. To remember him, they were carrying a small model of the Bugatti T59, in which Wimille won his 1934 Grand Prix of Algeria.

On their way back from the Passy Cemetery, they stumbled on a small pet shop, with one little poodle pup on sale with a 50% discount. The shop was closing, as the owner was going into pension. Both of them loved the poodle at first sight, and decided to buy it, paying the full price – they will latter say they never regretted paying the 100% price for Gazza, that he was worth every penny, and they’d feel they would have let him down if they accepted to pay the discount.

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